(What I think happened). Onward.

ledge1.jpg‘Human relationship moves at the speed of trust. Social change moves at the speed of human relationship.’ – The People’s Supper

Alone, Together moves at the speed of a letter. -Me

I need to address the individuals of Alone, Together.

It has been some time since I wrote any of you. Hindsight has provided me with some insight, and this is what I think happened:

I have a tendency to disrupt and pull the rug out from under me whenever I receive goodness. So many of you came forward to support me, and while I disguised it as adventure, the decision to move my life to the Yukon for school was disruption and running away none the less.

It didn’t work. And I found myself with a heap of broken bits, and a life barely there on my return from Nova Scotia.

I was deeply vulnerable these past four months; so vulnerable, that to expose myself further was not possible. I stopped writing.

I don’t have to apologize for doing what I had to do these last few months, to pieces those broken bits back together into a new life for myself. It has been hard work, and I showed up every single day, to each therapy session, and appointment; I’ve sat with my grief and my fear, and I let myself cry.

I do apologize however, if in any way, I have broken your trust. I’m sorry.bfhb9706-e1574621330513.jpg

But now let me say that Alone, Together is a full, round thing, and no longer confined to 2019. With the last person having signed up just weeks ago, it is now an ongoing yearly subscription, so that the date you signed up is the date of when your year begins.

I am also closing off the project to new participants for the time being. My intention for ‘Year Two’, is to nurture and deepen the trust and communication I have with each one of you, the current participants. I have a few good ideas, and a stable home from which to carry them out now.

Alone, Together will be sustainable. I will honestly communicate my ability as a human woman and artist. I will ask questions. I will continue to do the work.

Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for your understanding, and continued support. Alone, together, we will get there.

‘I thank the lord there’s people out there like you…I thank the lord for the people I have found.’ – Elton Johnrise1.jpg


Published by

Allyson Proulx

Allyson Proulx is a writer, artist, and speaker. Playing Paper is the name of her social enterprise that offers abolitionist workshops, and note passing services.

4 thoughts on “(What I think happened). Onward.”

  1. I miss you but totally understand and can relate. feeling frozen or lost in lifes scary uncertainties and societies expectations. thank you for sharing this update. when we put ourselves into a vulnerable situation we grow in our souls. I trust you

  2. Hello Allyson,

    You gave me a beautiful card outside the Western Fair market today and I wanted to thank you. What a beautiful sentiment to share with people. I love your passion for what you are doing and the fact that you are unafraid to follow your dreams.
    Your are an inspiration.

    Thank you


    1. Dear Christine,

      This melts my heart. I’m warm with pride that the little note you received made such an impact that you took the time to come here and write this. I take care with my words, and yours have shown me that my effort is worth it, and that it’s working. I am slowly getting back out there after a long silence, and it feels exciting. Art is real. It matters. And I take my responsibility as an artist seriously. ❤

      I hope you get to experience my art again some day. Reach out if you are ever in need of my note passing services <3. I'm always open to conversations about the kind of work I do and how I can be of service to my community. Note passing and mailed communication are very impactful mediums of connection these days.

      I'm glad we're neighbours on this land.


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